'GENE/SYNOP(SIS)' Center for Individual and Corporate Action(CICA) founded by Dr. Lily Neelankavil in India(1980),later with her husband Dr. George Neelankavil joining, after relinquishing his CEO role in business corporate, rechristened as Consortium of International Consultants and Administrators (CICA) in USA (1999). CICA's core competence is in organization structure, design and development, with emphasis on Organization Leadership and Development. In 2020, the organization is also 'matured' as GLOBAL SENIOR CONSULTING - 'UNYOUNG MASTERMINDS: battened on experienced wisdom/reality' "...A versatile paradigm that goes way beyond conventional wisdom...And it's MASTERMINDING within the framework of an emerging global perspective for SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT... The universal significance of this approach to our current context and its promise for the future is resplendent..." VERSATILE SOCIO-ECONOMIC MASTERMINDING as an INNOVATIVE INDIA INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVE is our GIFT TO THE WORLD! (For ALL who UNDERSTAND, APPRECIATE and WILL...) Essentially, the two years, post COVID19, was a uniquely trying period, almost for all horizontal/vertical spectrum of society. We were mostly lockdown in a hotel suite in Chennai/India, while all our family living in the USA. This also happened to be the most creatively inspiring time, the first product was my book, centered around the pandemic situation - Emerging GLOBAL IMPERATIVES, which was fairly well received... EASERVBIZ, livEASY GLOBAL and VERSATILE SOCIO-ECONOMIC MASTERMINDING is a creatively conceptualized SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Government's focus on 'SILVER ECONOMY' as number of seniors rises...This calls for CARING/CAPITALIZING seniors also as a VALUABLE RESOURCE for SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT... The most 'crazy/creative' age is in order of 60-70, 70-80, 80..., 50-60. These are the best time of people in terms of maturity, wisdom, and more importantly, their inner urge to actualize and contribute to the system and society around. We need to build a highly motivating and facilitating infrastructure and environment around them, so as to unconventionally care and capitalize, making them happy valuable human resource. We can really do wonders, converting these misunderstood 'liabilities' into fantastic 'assets'. Global seniors from all walks/skills/specializations _CHEERS!!! ...It's time for a PROLIFIC PULLBACK... GROOM ALL POTENTIAL as MASTER DEVELOPMENT MINDS (MDM) in collaboration with the GLOBAL SENIOR CONSULTING FRATERNITY. No need of significant funding/infrastructure, only to be 'umbrella-nurtured' by well meaning organizations. KICKOFF TRAILBLAZER GLOBAL COLLABORATION HAS THE POTENTIAL TO GROW INTO A WORLD-CLASS CONSULTING ENTITY, BETTER THAN THE BEST! When I think of our pioneering venture, the unique conceptual framework, tools, techniques, processes, books, videos...(web link) I am reminded of one book I read, titled 'WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH YOU AT HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL by MARK H McCORMACK. Our book title could be 'WHAT THEY ' NEVER/EVER TEACH' AT HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL! These are some of our unique/significant strategy/plans: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - -Reimagining Organizations & beyond... -Re-defining CEO/LEADER Agenda. -We need to be mindful of the fact that innovation for socio-economic growth is not overlooked in the innovation ecosystem. -Uniquely Proven Pragmatic Strategy For -Human and Organization Development With -Moral Professionalism & Universal Spiritualism -Personal/Professional/Profiling/Styling SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROWTH - Holistic Preventive/Primary/Emergency Healthcare. Change the fundamental way that the healthcare is structured and perceived. - Holistic Self-Governance & Transactional Family Lab - Lifestyle Management: An Investment In Life for a Lifetime. Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual dimensions are the pivotal areas of interest. - Proactive Parenting: Uncommon the Common. - Assisted Living: Providing all the needed services, at their bedside, in their home/apartment - Geriatric Nursing EDUCATION / TRAINING / DEVELOPMENT - Super Skills School: Integrating Academics/Works- (A Futuristic Concept) Re-defining Manager, Management & Development. Making MBAs work & uniquely customizing working MBAs. Grooming ALL POTENTIAL as MASTER DEVELOPMENT MINDS (MDM) - Gearing/Grooming the Whole Person (The Most Essential - YET NEGLECTED UNIVERSALLY) - Grooming Consultants/Trainers/Counselors - The ULTIMATE, 'In/Exclusive' YOKE-MEDITATION Covering ALL physical, mental/emotional and spiritual domain. A first of its kind, COMPREHENSIVE! (http://www.growthfactors.in/growth) ....and currently: